Top 10 Most Expensive Apartments Around the World

Reading Time: < 1 minute While most renters are concerned with their security deposits and utility bills, others are concerned with the pH level of their infinity pools and the monthly payment for their full time staff. Ever wonder what it takes to make up some of the world’s priciest pads? From Monaco to London, New York to Hong Kong, […]

Best Apartment Amenities | Infographic

Reading Time: 2 minutes Connect with Lincoln Property Company on Google+ Now that more Americans have chosen to rent an apartment instead of buying a home, property managers have added an increasing array of desirable amenities to their rental units – all to attract potential residents. The competition has turned up the volume on resident demands for options and […]

How to Organize Your Closet Infographic

Reading Time: < 1 minute Ever wonder what was the best way to organize your closet? Wonder no more. We put together this smart little infographic to help you save space and time by giving you step by step instructions on how to organize your closet. We have included a list of DO’s and DON’Ts as well as some interesting […]