3 Unique Ways to Energize Your Morning

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s no secret that getting out of bed can be tough. Whether you’re constantly hitting the snooze button or find yourself starting your daily tasks feeling drained, there are many steps you can take to energize your waking hours. From making a wholesome breakfast to doing something you love, these activities will have you waking up on the right side of the bed.

Play Music while Making Breakfast

making coffee | energizing morning activities

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it can also be the most enjoyable! Instead of grabbing a granola bar on the way to the office take some time to have a pleasant breakfast experience. You can play your favorite music or put on a podcast as you scramble eggs or flip pancakes. Not only will the food sustain you but moving around in the kitchen is a great way to ease yourself into your day. If you’re looking for new recipes to try, check out these fun breakfast ideas from Food.com.

Go For a Quick Walk

going for a walk with a dog | energizing morning activities

While it can feel challenging to head outside first thing in the morning, research states that it has many benefits. Exposure to sunlight alerts your body that it’s time to start the day. It kickstarts your internal clock so you’re awake in the morning and start becoming tired at an ideal time at night. To set yourself up for success, lay out your sneakers and clothes for your morning walk the night before. You can listen to the news as you stroll or do a walking meditation. When you return home, you’ll feel ready to start your day.

Do Something You Love

reading a book | energizing morning activities

If waking up is challenging for you, consider adding an enjoyable activity to the top of your to-do list. Oftentimes, we hit that snooze button because we’re dreading work or that Pilates class. However, when you ease into your day with something fun, it’s easier to get up and you’ll start your day in a good mood. Whether you want to curl up and read a book, practice the guitar, or spend 30 minutes watching your favorite show, this quality time will have you feeling refreshed and relaxed before you start your day.

Are you looking to conquer your mornings in a new apartment? The Lincoln team would love to help you find your dream home. Contact us today to arrange a tour.