QUIZ: Where Should I Move?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Where should I move? Where should I live? For all you adventurers and seekers, a time inevitably comes when you feel the pull of the unknown, when you’re struck by the weight of everything you know you’re missing. It’s a big world, and while you can’t see it all, you can certainly try.

Want to find out where you really belong? You could spin the globe, blindly point, and hope for the best. Or, you could take our fun and simple, nine question, “where should I move?” quiz.

Think of it as a weathervane for the winds of the heart. Something you might pay attention to before letting your soul set sail.

The road calls you. Where should I move? you ask. Do you hunger for the audacious sights and electric hum of the big city? Or do you seek the refuge of an outpost somewhere on the brink of unfettered wilderness? Maybe what your heart truly longs for is not a grand adventure at all, but a quiet, friendly, and humble venue, a place where you can pass your days easily, get your work done, and watch your family flourish.

Where should I live? you wonder. Maybe things have begun to feel stale in your current day-to-day life, and you need a fresh start. Maybe you’re strangely heartbroken at the thought of everyone you’ll never meet, mourning for all those places you’ll never see. Maybe the ordinary isn’t good enough, and you’re ready to do something about it.

The drive to get up and get out is a good thing. It’s something to be proud of. Protect it. Honor it. Let it lead you where you’re meant to go and teach you what you’re meant to know. Break free from the gravity of comfort and routine while you still can. It’s healthy. It’s necessary. It’s fun.

Plan a little, but not too much. You want to leave room for the unexpected. The unknown is what shows you who you really are. Don’t get in its way. Once you’re gone, you can be somebody new. Or maybe you can finally be yourself. So, what are you waiting for?… Go!

You’ve only got one go in this life; don’t spend it all in one place.