How to Settle into the School Year From Your Lincoln Apartment

student holding books
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Student renters across the country are grabbing their backpacks and heading into a new school year. Along with registering for classes and stocking up on supplies, there are other steps to take to ensure a smooth and successful school year, such as preparing your apartment. Whether you’re setting up your study space or creating a relaxing atmosphere for after class, these tips will have you and your home feeling ready for the semester. 

Create a Dedicated Study Space

an organized desk

When studying at home, it’s important to designate space for both work and relaxation. By distinguishing these areas, your brain will associate relaxation with one and productivity with the other. Treat yourself to a new or thrifted desk for your room or a common area if you don’t have roommates. It’s important to find an ergonomic chair that will offer comfort on those long study nights. Other helpful additions include a laptop stand, a mouse, and a planner. 

Meal Prep

three meal prepped dishes

The beginning of the school year can be busy, which is why it’s helpful to be proactive in other areas of your life so you’re not overwhelmed when classes start. One step you can take is meal prepping for the week. We’re loving this handy guide from Sophia Lee.

Designate Time for Relaxation

doing a yoga pose in a studio

Amid the hustle and bustle of the beginning of the semester, it can be hard to remember to practice self-care. Therefore, look at your calendar and schedule time in advance for you to do something for yourself. Whether it’s a walk with a friend, a yoga class, or a trip to your favorite ice cream shop, these activities will be something to look forward to in your busy week.

For all of our student renters, we’d like to wish you a successful semester! As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Lincoln team. Or, if you’re looking for a new apartment this school year, contact us today.