3 Ways To Organize Your Wardrobe

a woman organizing a closet
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Closets can be chaotic. We often approach them in a rush and end up throwing clothes on the floor or hanging them haphazardly while numerous outfit equations swirl in our heads. It’s for this reason that a wardrobe can be one of the least organized spaces in a home.

At Lincoln, we’re continuing our mission to Live Simply. By minimizing various facets of the day-to-day, we’ve found extra room for the things we truly love.

If you feel your wardrobe is encroaching on your sense of peace, and you’d like to apply the Live Simply mindset to this space, here are a few ways to minimize clothing chaos.

Create a Capsule Wardrobe

a capsule wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is the latest trending concept in the minimalist world. The goal of this approach is to maximize the amount and types of outfits you can put together with the least amount of closet space. To do this, participants dwindle their wardrobe to around 35 pieces, narrowing in on classic and contemporary styles that can be worn in a multitude of ways. Think day-to-night dresses, layers, and a range of colors that complement one another. This concept forces you to get creative with styling and make the most of all your pieces. Plus, accessories are not factored into your clothing count, so feel free to get wild with statement necklaces, scarves, socks, and hats for a little extra flair.

Try A Give & Take Wardrobe

donating clothes

If you feel a capsule wardrobe may stifle your creative fashion sense, then a “give and take” approach may be for you. Instead of wiping the slate clean in your closet, a give and take system allows users to keep their favorite, bold pieces without compromising space. The first step is to assess the capacity of your closet and its effect on your mood. If you’re hit with a wave of anxiety upon opening those doors (if they’re not already bursting open), remove your least favorite pieces until you’re left with an organized display. Moving forward, whenever you add a new item to your closet, remove one item. To keep balance amongst types of pieces, swap out an item for a new, similar item. For example, when you splurge on a new coat, remove an old coat that’s out of style or a little too worn.

Embrace Your Wild Wardrobe


This may not sound very minimalist, but hear me out. Not every person will find comfort in limiting their fashion choices, and that’s totally okay! If fashion is your creative outlet, then an expanded closet may be for you. First, utilize unique storage methods that are space-saving and stylish. From rustic trunks to minimalist hanging ranks, there are plenty of ways to spread out your items. To add balance to your space, be sure to minimize other areas of the home to make room for your growing closet. You can digitize book collections, replace old decor with jewelry holders, and even clear out some junk for a fun shoe rack display. Fashion items can double as decor, offering style to both you and your home.

Are you interested in living simply with Lincoln? Contact us today for more apartment living tips and to schedule a tour at a community near you.