Dinner Party 101: How To Host The Ideal Meal

setting up a table for a dinner party

Reading Time: 2 minutes 2020 is the year we bring back the dinner party! Ditch those reservations, cancel your takeout order, and invite your closest friends over for an evening filled with homecooked food, endless laughter, and cozy ambiance. Not sure where to start? We have you covered. Food When it comes to planning the menu, there are a […]

3 Ways To Cure Post-Vacation Blues in Your Apartment

friends catching up

Reading Time: 2 minutes Are you suffering from the post-vacation blues? We’ve all been there. Getting acclimated to daily routine following days or weeks of travel can be tricky. After an extended period of leisure, we often throw ourselves back into the grind, instead of taking time to recalibrate. This summer, ease back into the swing of things with […]

3 Creative Ways to Cool Down in an Apartment


Reading Time: 2 minutes The dog days of summer are officially upon us. While the initial heat of June entices with new warmth, by late July we’re ready to escape from the sun on sweltering days. At our LPC communities, we offer central air conditioning in the majority of our communities. Regardless, if you would like to turn the […]

3 Household Rules That Never Go Out of Style

a couple making the bed

Reading Time: 2 minutes As children, we rushed to get home before dark, groaned when asked to finish our veggies, and begrudgingly made our beds at the requests of our parents. Household rules were once dreaded stipulations that lead to eye rolls, stomping feet, and the ever-popular do I have to?! response. Nowadays, things are a little different. We […]

3 Summer Recipes That Utilize Homegrown Herbs

herb garden

Reading Time: 2 minutes Warm weather invites sunshine to stream through windows, welcoming plants and herbs to thrive in your apartment. If you have a green thumb and are the proud owner of an indoor herb garden, you know now is the time to make the most of those tasty greens. You’ve mastered the art of indoor gardening–now it’s […]

3 Ways to Live Your Bliss in 2019

a happy woman

Reading Time: 3 minutes 2019 is right around the corner, which means it’s time to start whipping up those New Year’s resolutions. The thing is, typically these annual ambitions aren’t so blissful. From daily gym sessions to overtime at the office to extreme dieting, we oftentimes set unrealistic goals with almost no concern for our mental wellbeing. If we’ve learned […]