3 DIY Projects For Apartment Renters

DIY tools with Lincoln

Reading Time: 3 minutes DIY projects have taken the internet by storm. Nowadays, you can make almost anything with your own two hands and instructions from Pinterest. Along with feelings of accomplishment and styles that come straight from your own creative mind, DIY also benefits your wallet! At Lincoln, we’re zeroing in on money saving tips with our Live […]

Live Smart & Entertain On A Budget

friends hugging each other

Reading Time: 2 minutes When you live in a Lincoln apartment, you’re going to want to show it off. Long countertops, expansive spaces, and sunlit rooms make for the perfect backdrop for a group hangout. The only downside to being the hostess with the mostest is footing the bill for your hungry guests. Drinks, appetizers, dinner, and games add […]

Live Smart With These 3 Daily Tweaks

man sipping coffee

Reading Time: 3 minutes When it comes to bettering yourself, we sometimes place too much emphasis on big, dramatic changes. Oftentimes, it’s simple tweaks throughout our daily routines that have lasting and positive effects. Whether you’re waking up 10 minutes earlier, or skipping that afternoon sugar splurge, the little things can make a big difference. This applies to our […]

How To Live Smart in a Lincoln Kitchen

a couple cooking

Reading Time: 3 minutes Cutting costs is truly an art, and here at Lincoln, we’re zeroing in on some effective strategies for pinching pennies with our Live Smart campaign. When it comes to spending, much of our income goes towards food, food-related items, and appliances. It’s been discovered that Americans spend the majority of their time in the kitchen, […]

Live Smart: 5 Money-Saving Tricks For Apartment Renters

putting money into wallet

Reading Time: 3 minutes At Lincoln Property Company, we’re aiming to make 2018 our best year yet, which is why we’ve kicked off our yearlong campaign, #LPCLiveInspired with our first theme, Live Smart. If you’re aiming to tap into your thrifty side, we’re here to help you with money-saving tips and tricks so you can spend that well-earned moolah […]

Introducing #LPCLiveInspired

a girl at the gym

Reading Time: 2 minutes 2018 is well underway, and with it we would like to introduce our new yearlong cultural campaign, #LPCLiveInspired. After an amazing 2017, we still feel the momentum from the previous year, and now more than ever would like to celebrate the growth and determination that inspires us every day. Find Tips on Social Media New […]

Unique Housewarming Gifts For Apartment Renters

Reading Time: 3 minutes When your friends or family members find themselves in a swanky new apartment, it’s customary to show up to the housewarming with a celebratory addition to their new abode. While many guests reach for a  nice bottle of red or a bouquet of flowers, the gifts that truly stand out are the ones that are […]

LPC Gives Back: Hurricane Harvey

helping hands

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s been months since Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, and yet many Texas residents still feel its impact. Despite unbelievable strength and perseverance, helping hands are still needed for those affected. The Lincoln team members decided to reach out to our Houston properties who were damaged by Harvey, or those with new residents in need of […]

Looking Back on #LPCFallisGolden

two friends on a bike

Reading Time: 2 minutes At Lincoln Property Company, a favorite part of our job is to witness our amazing #LPC residents living their best lives in Lincoln communities across the country. From January to December, our inspired amenities, stylish designs, and unique features are the backdrops for thousands of awesome individuals. Our seasonal hashtags allow #LPC neighbors to connect […]

4 Resolutions For Apartment Living

a woman cleaning her home

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s that time of year again. As we optimistically craft our New Year’s resolutions, we often look towards fitness, diet, and career goals to satisfy our need for change. This year, how about switching up your priorities by focusing your “new year, new you” mentality on your apartment? While your health and career are very […]