Ways to Keep a White Carpet Clean

a white carpet in front of a grey couch in a living room | how to keep white carpets clean

Reading Time: 2 minutes A cream or white carpet can serve as a calming neutral in any space. However, when stains or discoloration from constant foot traffic occurs, it can detract from that sense of calm. With a little extra TLC you can have the white carpet of your dreams. Here are a few tips to keep your carpet […]

How To Conquer Your Fridge Goals in 2022

produce in the fridge

Reading Time: 2 minutes Are you ready for a Pinterest-worthy fridge in 2022? If so, there are many simple steps you can take to minimize clutter, tailor your shelves to your eating habits, and inspire joy from simply opening your fridge door. To turn your fridge from chaos into a sleek and satisfying display, follow these tips. Start with […]

Get Organized with Amy Davis

Amy Davis

Reading Time: 2 minutes LPC is proud to announce another collaboration that aims to celebrate the LPC lifestyle. This time, we’re introducing Amy Davis, a professional organizer and founder of Less is Living. With a mission to rid the home of physical distractions, Amy believes a tidier space can free up the mind to focus on the things that […]

It May Be Time To Give Your Pantry a Makeover

grabbing mint from a pantry

Reading Time: 2 minutes There are two types of pantries. There’s the Pinterest-worthy type, where mason jars filled with dry goods line up perfectly next to a color-coded spice rack. Then there’s the other kind of pantry—the one where dry pasta gathers on the floor and soup cans from 2014 collect dust. If your food pantry resembles the latter, […]

Smart Organization Tips to Incorporate Into Your Lincoln Apartment

organizing a room

Reading Time: 2 minutes When it comes to organizing, our first thought is typically to make our apartment easy on the eyes. It is because of this, that we often don’t arrange things in a functional way for the sake of aesthetics. The resulting effect is throwing items around in a rush and moving them haphazardly. Due to this, […]

The Ultimate Guide To Cleaning Out Your Fridge

cleaning out fridge

Reading Time: 3 minutes Spring cleaning season is here. Meaning, it’s time to deep clean our lives starting with the nooks and crannies that surround us. One of the most daunting tasks of this annual cleanse is the fridge. As leftovers pile up, jars from 2017 mold, and mysterious stains spread, it makes this arduous task all the more […]

3 Eco-Friendly Cleaning Hacks for Apartments

eco-friendly cleaning

Reading Time: 2 minutes Spring is around the corner, which means the annual tradition of decluttering, organizing, and simplifying our surroundings is underway. At Lincoln, we’ve recently kicked off our #LPCSpringClean campaign, where we ask you to share the special moments that incite joy when tidying up. This season, we’re thinking green when it comes to cleaning our apartments. […]

4 Forgotten Areas of the Apartment To Clean


Reading Time: 2 minutes We’re all accustomed to a weekly cleaning routine. We sweep, wipe down counters, fold the laundry, and occasionally run a mop over our floors. With so much focus on primary cleaning tasks, the more obscure areas of our homes gather dust. At Lincoln Property Company, we’ve recently kicked off our latest campaign, #LPCSpringClean, where we’re […]